Posted by: morrisdeb | October 12, 2016


It’s unfortunate that my children are at the start of their hormonal journey, and I am nearing the end of mine. There will be a time in the not too distant future when we’re all sailing a calmer sea, but the waters are looking choppy for the forseeable future and I approach it with a feeling of dread.

What I must remember is that it’s as hard for them to overcome their emotions as it is for me, but it has to be me who tries to rise above it as I have the great wisdom of age that they won’t achieve for years. Bugger to wisdom! I want someone to help me too. The husband just walks away with a none-too-patient look on his face and a sadness that screams “What happened to the warm, amusing, spirited-but-rational woman I married?” Well, she’s still here, somewhere, only alternately disguised as a butterfly or a wasp, depending on the day and oestrogen levels.

This is going to be a rocky road I think, as I reach for another square of Rocky Road; its dark chocolatey, biscuity, cherry-laden squidgy-ness holding the answers to all my prayers. No! Hold strong! Save the cake for when your hormonal children return from school. Who knows….they might even thank you!

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